

frontend development

React, TypeScript, Redux, MobX, axios, Webpack, Gatsby.js, Angular, Responsive Layout, HTML, CSS, JavaScript ES6+, jQuery

backend development

Node.js, Lambda, Express, Sequelize, Mongoose, NestJS, TypeORM, C#/.NET, Entity Framework, SQL, NoSQL, REST API, JWT, Python


AWS Certified SAA, BuildKite, GitHub Actions, Pulumi, Serverless Framework, AWS-CDK, Docker, DataDog, Sentry, Linux


Full Stack Developer


September 2021 - Present

In an agile team environment, work on the Learning and Development suite of products

30% frontend (React) and 70% backend (Node.js microservices + AWS Infrastructure + CI/CD etc.)

Merged 4 RDS instances (PostgreSQL) into a single instance, launched in a new VPC with bastion host, and re-connected to the microservices, saving thousands of dollars per month

Add new features, fix bugs and carryout investigations in both frontend and backend

Handle weekly production release on BuildKite and document the changes

Review other developers’ pull requests and make constructive comments

Provide support and mentoring to junior developers, unblock their tasks through pairing

Wrote database script to automatically setup a new database when a new client is added

Integrated SonarCloud into BuildKite pipelines as a new step, to scan the code in all repositories

Improved the unit test coverage (Jest) of multiple repositories by up to 30%

Drove an epic to manage vulnerabilities in all of our dependencies

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featured projects



Built with .NET and React (TypeScript), this full-stack project is a social network application. Once authenticated, users can create and manage social activities (music, food, travel etc.), follow other users, join activities or cancel attendance, browse and filter activities with infinite scrolling, make real-time chat (SignalR) under an activity, crop photos and upload to Cloudinary.

C#.NETEntity FrameworkPostgreSQLJWTREST APIReactTypeScriptMobXMediatorSignalRSemantic UICloudinary


This app is a browser-based interactive coding environment, similar to CodePen. In the code editing fields, you can write JavaScript and JSX. The code you entered will be compiled and bundled in browser, and then rendered in the preview field. You can also write comprehensive documentation using markdown. This project is also deployed on npm, enter "npx jsnote-joe serve" in your terminal to run it locally and persist your code.

ProShop eCommerce

ProShop eCommerce

A full-stack eCommerce web app. It has full featured shopping cart, stepped checkout, PayPal integration, product reviews and rating, order history and user profile. Admin user can manage products, update order status and upload images etc. React, Redux and React-Bootstrap are used on client side; Node.js and Express are used on server side to provide APIs; MongoDB is used to persist data.

ReactNode.jsReduxExpressREST APIMongoDBBootstrap
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